Clear Creek ISD Announces Expansion of Tuition-Based Pre-K Program for 2024-2025 School Year
Parents, Guardians Encouraged to Reserve Their Spot, Beginning November 13, 2023
Clear Creek ISD announces plans to expand the opportunity for tuition-based, full-day Pre-K to families for the 2024-2025 school year.
Families living within the District’s attendance boundaries, with children who turn four years old on or before September 1, 2024, are encouraged to apply for consideration in the tuition-based Pre-K program:
Parents and guardians interested in reserving their student’s spot must first complete the “Application to Attend CCISD” form online at The application opens on November 13, 2023, and closes on February 1, 2024. If approved, applicants will be notified of acceptance and provided with instructions for enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year in April 2024. There is a $100 application fee.
The tuition-based program will be offered at all CCISD campuses starting in the fall of 2024. If capacity is exceeded at the student’s zoned campus or if there are not enough students enrolled at the campus to reach the class size minimum, the next-nearest school with classroom capacity and enrollment will be assigned.
“We are excited to announce the expansion of our exemplary Pre-K programs to the community,” said CCISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Karen Engle. “This was an important goal set forth by the District’s Vison 2030 team, which was approved by the Board of Trustees, to offer Pre-Kindergarten to any and all District families in search of a quality education.”
The Vision 2030 Team, which was comprised of educators, administrators, parents, students, school board members and business leaders, utilized data, the Profile of a CCISD Learner, and the CCISD 2020-2025 Strategic Plan to develop aspirations for the future.
Clear Creek ISD will offer tuition-based Pre-Kindergarten to children who are four years old on or before September 1 of the enrollment year and who do not meet the State qualifications for the Free Pre-K Program.
Clear Creek ISD offers high-quality curriculum that follows the Texas Pre-Kindergarten guidelines of the Texas Education Agency and is delivered by certified teachers. CCISD’s early learning education provides exploration and foundational learning in Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, Fine Arts, Physical Development and Technology.
Tuition for the Pre-K programs for the school year is $600 per month for 10 months.
Clear Creek ISD will continue to offer a full-day free Pre-K Program that is open to children who meet one of the following eligibility requirements:
- military eligibility,
- unable to speak and comprehend the English language,
- federal income guidelines,
- homelessness,
- foster child,
- is or has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family & Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by Section 262.201 of the Texas Family Code, or
- Child has a parent who is eligible for the Star of Texas Award which honors Texas peace officers, firefighters, emergency medical first responders, and federal law enforcement officers who are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.
Visit for more information on the Tuition-based Pre-K, Free Pre-K, and Early Childhood Special Education programs in Clear Creek ISD.
- Academics
- District