Clear Creek ISD Celebrates Completion of Bond 2017 with Final Ribbon Cutting
A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held at Whitcomb Elementary on November 10, 2023, to celebrate the completion of the major renovation of the school. This is the final major project of the Clear Creek ISD 2017 Bond Program.
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The entire campus, originally constructed in 1967, was renovated and added to while bringing it up to current learning and safety standards. This included additional educational classroom wings with joint collaboration spaces, new auto stacking lanes and walking track, and renovations to the administrative area, cafeteria and library. Updates to technology and safety enhancements were also included. Construction began in May 2022.
“This building serves as much more than a school, it is a hub of our community,” said Principal Betsy Horner during the ceremony. “Diversity and inclusivity are trademarks which set Whitcomb apart. We look forward to many years of hosting events where families from all backgrounds and cultures feel welcome and celebrated.”
As CCISD staff and community partners gathered in the new Onizuka Library, which was previously the old cafeteria, Superintendent Dr. Karen Engle paid homage to the space’s namesake, Astronaut Ellison Onizuka.
“At the time Whitcomb opened its doors, the space industry was on the rise, and the school was home to students who were very much part of the growing aerospace community,” said Engle. “Both of Onizuka’s daughters attended Whitcomb. When the Challenger Shuttle tragedy happened, the community wrapped the family in their arms of support and the library was lovingly named in his honor.”
Whitcomb was designated as a Leader in Me campus in 2018 which is part of CCISD’s comprehensive character education programming. The program was made possible at the school through a donation from Houston Methodist Clear Lake Hospital.
“The success of the Leader in Me program here at Whitcomb is one of the very reasons the Board approved the Vision 2030 plan which calls for Clear Creek ISD to become a Leader in Me District,” said Board of Trustees President Arturo Sanchez. “It is amazing to see students as young as five years old setting goals for success, thinking win-win when faced with a challenge, and managing their time better than some adults.”
The Whitcomb originally approved by the Board of Trustees for $28,598,565, will come out on budget. The project was awarded to architect Joiner Architects and ICI Construction.
Since the Bond approval more than five years ago by CCISD taxpayers, the district has completed nearly 60 total construction projects that have improved learning environments for students and staff and have upgraded major district department buildings to support collaboration and innovation. To close out Bond 2017, this District is working to capture all remaining savings, which currently sits at $30 million. Work will now begin on Bond 2023 projects, which were approved by voters in November.
- Bond