CCISD Science & Engineering Fair
Student Science Fair Central for project ideas and guidelines, steps and deadlines, and more.
YOU Be the Judge
You Don’t Need to be a Rocket Scientist to Be a Science & Engineering Fair Judge!
CCISD’s Annual Science & Engineer Fair is well underway, and judges like YOU are needed to evaluate the hard work and research projects of elementary and secondary students. Judges are provided with clear instructions and supports to evaluate projects.
For more than 60 years, the Clear Creek ISD Science and Engineering Fair has been an exciting tradition that inspires students to learn, master and compete in the independent research process. Independent research can be one of the most valuable opportunities for students in a science class. It provides each child the chance to select an area of science of interest to him/her, to ask a question about that area, and to experimentally determine the answer to that question, following scientifically appropriate techniques. From kindergarten to twelfth grade, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) require that students are able to successfully do this independent research. Communicating the results of the research is also required by the TEKS.
The school science and engineering fairs provide an excellent format for students to communicate the results of their research. The skills developed in doing independent research will serve the student his/her entire life.
Special Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor
2025 CCISD SEF Winners
Elementary Science & Engineering Fair Information (K-5)
Here you will find tips, hints, guidelines and rules to make this a positive experience for CCISD future scientists and engineers, teachers and parents.
Secondary Science & Engineering Fair Information (6-12)
Here you will find tips, hints, guidelines and rules to make this a positive experience for CCISD future scientists and engineers, teachers and parents.