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Prevention Services

Clear Creek ISD provides a multitude of services and programs aimed to safeguard students' mental, physical and emotional health.

Prevention Training

In accordance with EHAA(Local), Clear Creek Independent School District provides instruction relating to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking. Instruction relating to child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking is tied to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. These lessons are taught through anti-victimization/personal safety in grades K-12 and healthy relationships in grades 9-12. This curriculum is designed to supplement, not replace, the parent’s role in dealing with these issues and parent involvement is always strongly encouraged throughout the program. 

Prior to instruction, campuses will send home one of the following forms allowing parents to opt in or out of the instruction. If a permission slip is not returned, students will not receive the instruction. 

In order to view the curriculum document regarding instruction at each grade level please click on the links below. For a more detailed description of the curriculum taught at each grade level, please contact your student's campus counselor to schedule a meeting during the school day to preview the curriculum taught.

At the end of each lesson, students who participated will share a Home-Connection with their family. These Home-Connections serve to help families guide conversations regarding the lesson including what the lessons were based upon and what students learned in each lesson. Please click the links below to preview the Home-Connection for each grade level.

Bullying Prevention

By fostering an overall climate of inclusion, warmth and respect, schools can promote the development of core social and emotional skills in students and staff alike. Students with greater social emotional competency are less likely to be aggressors, targets of bullying or passive bystanders.

In Clear Creek ISD, counselors provide instruction to students on identifying social conflict versus bullying, possible choices in a social conflict and demonstrating core values.

CCISD also features a reporting system, called Anonymous Alerts, where students, staff, families and the community may anonymously report concerns to school officials.

Learn more about reporting and school safety

Youth Mental Health Program

CCISD leaders in mental health promote awareness of mental health issues through staff, student and community training. Similar to "First Aid" and CPR,  the Youth Mental Health First Aid program teaches individuals how to help youth experiencing mental health challenges or crises.