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In This Section


Clear Creek ISD, like all Texas public school districts, operates under a complex framework of federal and state statutes, regulations and rules along with local board policies, administrative regulations, guidelines and handbooks.

It is the mission of the Office of Policy and Legal Affairs to assist you in successfully navigating the maze of legal authorities that guide the operations of the District and interactions with employees, students, parents and the community. 

Policy Resources

The Clear Creek Independent School District is committed to equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran status, gender or sexual identity.

Contact Us


Resolving Concerns

Parents, employees, and community members who have concerns about a specific school, teacher or child are encouraged to begin at the level closest to the concern through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. If the concern is not resolved at the campus level, parents, employees and community members may contact District administrators who are responsible for the area of concern, which could include:

  • Parent Assistance, 281-284-0000
  • Athletics, 281-284-2845
  • Business Services/Benefits, 281-284-0230
  • Career and Technical Education, 281-284-2283
  • Child Nutrition Services, 281-284-0700
  • Human Resources, 281-284-0150
  • Special Services, 281-284-0750
  • Transportation, 281-284-0600
  • Visual and Performing Arts, 281-284-2787


Students, parents, employees, and members of the community may initiate the formal grievance process by filing a grievance in accordance with the policies listed below:

Please keep in mind that the deadline for filing a formal grievance is 15 District business days from the date of the action or event giving rise to the grievance. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students and parents are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student or parent whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.

Neither the Board nor any District employee shall retaliate against any student, parent, employee, or community member for raising a concern or complaint or for filing a grievance.



Instructional Grading and Reporting Procedures

The Instructional Grading and Reporting Procedures were developed in 1995 after many years of research and discussion by educators, parents, and students. These procedures are in accordance with best practice, EIA (Legal and Local), and the Texas Education Code 28.0216. These procedures provide consistency in grading practice in order to best meet the needs of students and provide assistance to the instructional staff.

These procedures provide:

1.   a tool which will foster consistency among teachers, disciplines and schools as students progress through the CCISD
      educational program
2.   a reference which will encourage a better understanding of grading, assessment, reporting and promotion for teachers,
      parents and students
3.   a description of the District’s grading system and philosophy

EIA(REG) - Instructional Grading & Reporting Procedures

The following information is provided in response to 34 C.F.R. Part 106.8 of the 2020 Title IX Regulations, mandating notice of a nondiscrimination policy and adoption and publication of grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints. 

In accordance with Title IX, the district does not, and is required not to, discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The requirement not to discriminate extends to employment. As a school district serving students in kindergarten through grade 12, the district is not subject to provisions in Title IX Regulations (Subpart C) prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in admissions and recruitment. However, the district does not discriminate on the basis of sex in admissions or transfer requests.

District’s Title IX policies

View electronic copies of the District’s Title IX policies for Students (FFH) and Employees (DIA). To obtain a copy of the District’s Title IX policies, including the complaint process that complies with 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b) of the 2020 Title IX Regulations, please contact Policy & Legal Affairs Department.

Title IX Coordinator

The district has designated and authorized the following employee as the Title IX Coordinator to address concerns or inquiries regarding discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and gender-based harassment

Dr. Sharon Lopez

Phone: 281-284-7263

Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence Reporting

Any individual may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, at any time, including during non-business hours, by mail, phone, or email. Reports can also be made at the following email address:

During district business hours, reports may also be made in person.

Upon receiving an allegation of sex-based harassment, the Title IX Coordinator will promptly respond in accordance with board policies FFH and DIA.

Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to the district’s Title IX Coordinator.

All materials used to train Title IX personnel are available for inspection upon request by contacting Laura Donnelly, Coordinator, Policy & Legal Affairs Department, 281-284-0014.