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Multilingual Education

Students who are speak languages other than English and who have limited linguistic proficiency in English are eligible for linguistic programs designed to support language acquisition in English. CCISD's multilingual instruction programs develop skills and proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in all content areas. The goals of these programs are for students to become proficient in English, achieve academically and grow affectively through content-based language and social and cultural support.

How to qualify as an emergent bilingual

  1. Through the enrollment process, if the parent indicates a language other than English is spoken in the home on the Home Language Survey the student’s linguistic proficiency will be assessed.
  2. The campus’ Language Proficiency Assessment Committee will meet to review the assessment and student information to determine if the student qualifies for linguistic services.
  3. If it is determined the student is a limited English speaker based on the committee’s decision, the student is offered linguistic services.
dual language student writing on a worksheet

English as a Second Language

English as a Second Language is available in elementary, intermediate and high school at the student's zoned campus. The ESL program includes content-based language instruction in English and the support of an ESL teacher. Strategies specifically designed for emergent bilinguals support students’ growth in English proficiency while ensuring academic content is meaningful and accessible.

Dual Language

Clear Creek ISD offers dual language one-way in PK-5 and dual language two-way in K-8. The goals of both models are for students to become bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural and students are taught in both English and Spanish.

All students in the one-way model are Spanish-speaking emergent bilinguals. In the two-way model, approximately half of the students are Spanish-speaking emergent bilinguals and approximately half are English proficient students.

Dual language one-way and two-way are available at five elementary schools:

  • Brookwood Elementary
  • Landolt Elementary
  • League City Elementary
  • McWhirter Elementary
  • Stewart Elementary

Dual language two-way is available at three intermediate schools:

  • Bayside Intermediate
  • Clear Creek Intermediate
  • Clear Lake Intermediate

Transportation for Elementary Dual Language Students

For students who qualify as English learners, CCISD provides transportation to the student's zoned school. English proficient students not zoned to the campus of attendance provide their own transportation.


For more information about the ESL or dual language programs, contact:

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