Gifted and Talented in CCISD
Rigorous learning opportunities exist at all grade levels for students in the Gifted and Talented program. The goal is to provide resources to engage and develop GT students who are academically successful.
In the elementary grades, students in gifted services are clustered together with Gifted and Talented (GT) trained teachers in otherwise academically diverse classrooms. The campus GT specialist works closely with the grade level cluster teachers to meet the needs of each identified child. They determine the best learning plan for each student including aligned TEKS-based lessons which explore content in depth and with complexity. Some differentiated lessons occur in the regular classroom with the cluster teacher and/or the GT specialist, and some occur outside the regular classroom. Specific services may vary based on campus and student needs.
- Pull Out: In Grades K-3, students in Gifted and Talented Services participate with a GT Specialist on their campus, designed to provide challenging activities in seven strands: creativity, problem solving, research, communication, thinking skills, affective thinking, and leadership training. GT Specialists work with students K-5 as well as with GT Cluster teachers in meeting the needs of the gifted learners on each campus
- Cluster: Students in the district’s Elementary Gifted and Talented Program, grades K- 5, are cluster grouped and receive differentiated instruction in the core content areas with a classroom teacher who has at least 30 hours of gifted awareness training, plus the required six hour annual update.
- Alpha: In Grades 4-5, students in the Gifted and Talented Program receive differentiated instruction in the regular classroom, attend sessions on campus one semester, and attend their chosen off campus GT mini-course the other semester.
At the intermediate levels (grade 6-8), students in the Gifted and Talented Program have the opportunity to attend WAVE, a GT magnet program, at either League City Intermediate or Westbrook Intermediate or participate in honor courses at their home campus. Both magnets share the same philosophy to meet the unique intellectual, social and emotional needs of GT students. Additionally, students at WAVE are also part of the overall student body of the intermediate school. Click here to learn more about WAVE.
High School
Taking advanced courses in high school is a great way to prepare for college admission and college success. A rigorous curriculum in high school is a solid predictor of students’ ability to complete a bachelor's degree. Students also generally tend to score higher on the ACT, SAT and have higher GPAs. View the multitude of offerings for Gifted students in high school.
Identification and Referrals
GT Assessment
Parent Guide
Click the link below to access a comprehensive parent guide for GT Services Identification process.