Course Selection
Course selection is an important and exciting annual event for students and parents beginning in intermediate school. To support selections, CCISD hosts parent information nights, prepares Educational Planning Guides and how-to guides to walk students and parents through the process. Students are encouraged to also talk to campus counselors and teachers for more information about courses and course planning based on a student’s interests and personal goals.
2025-2026 Course Selection Information
Course selection for next school year will be from February 3-19
To help you and your child make the best academic and extracurricular choices for the 2025-2026 school year, CCISD campuses will host informational meetings and course selection fairs.
2025 Important Dates
February 3-19: Skyward Course Selection opens for families to enter course requests for the 2025-2026 school year.
All courses must be entered into the Skyward no later than February 19, 2025.
Each year, CCISD publishes an Educational Planning Guide (EPG) for both Intermediate and High School. The EPGs outline the course selection requirements by grade as well as class descriptions and elective descriptions. They are extremely helpful resources that can be referenced throughout the year. Hard copies are available upon request with students and electronic copies are found on this section of our website.
It's a great planning tool. The guide outlines the graduation requirements, class rank and grade point average information, general information pertaining to all CCISD high schools, program and course descriptions, as well as course names and numbers.
Skyward Instructions & Guides
Course selection is managed through Skyward Family Access. Annually in February, starting in the fifth-grade year, students and families will log into Skyward using the student ID and password. Families are encouraged to use the guides to aid with enrollment. Both the choice and alternate course selections should be entered into Skyward.
Skyward Course Selection Guide - English
Skyward Course Selection Guide - Spanish
General Information
Course selection is made through Skyward Student Access and opens on the first of February annually during the current school year. Students have two weeks to enter their selections into Skyward. Selections being made are for the following school year.
Course Selection Worksheets
Worksheets are provided for each campus and grade level. The worksheets are used to plan course selection based on the requirements for each grade level. Families should reference the Educational Planning Guide while filling in the worksheets prior to entering final selections into Skyward.
Class Makes
CCISD offers a standard curriculum across its intermediate and high school campuses. Depending on student interest, a course may or may not "make" for the upcoming school year. If a course doesn't "make", the interested students will be notified and asked to make a different selection.
Incoming 6th Grade Family Information
Each year CCISD hosts an information session for incoming sixth-grade families. The event occurs in February of the fifth-grade year. Each campus hosts an event. Information about the event is shared at least a couple of weeks in advance. The event dates are listed on the District Calendar. CCISD encourages all families to participate in their campuses' events to learn and ask questions about the upcoming year. Incoming 6th grade students also have the opportunity to tour their new intermediate campuses during the school day.
- In sixth grade, students are required to take language arts, math, science, social studies, health fitness or leadership development corps, and Fine Arts ( options include art, theater arts, band, choir, and orchestra).
- All courses are year-long. While selecting courses a student will mark their first choice and the second and third choices are noted as alternates.
- Health and Fitness is a part of the sixth-grade year. A student who participates in an individual sport outside of school for a minimum of five hours per week may apply for a P.E. waiver.
- Secondary education follows a traditional grading methodology. Grades are averaged for each grading period and the semester. It's based on a 100-point grading scale with a passing standard of 70%.
Incoming 9th Grade Family Information
Each year CCISD hosts an information session for incoming ninth-grade families. The event occurs in February of the eighth-grade year. Each campus hosts an event. Information about the event is shared at least a couple of weeks in advance. The event dates are listed on the District Calendar. CCISD encourages all families to participate in their campuses' events to learn and ask questions about the upcoming year.
We know the transition from intermediate to high school can seem overwhelming at times. The family night information is meant to help ease the transition and information about graduation requirements, credits, and the course registration process. If you still have questions after the event, campus counselors are the perfect resources to help you answer specific questions.
- Understanding High School Credits
- What is an Endorsement?
- Performance Acknowledgements
- Course Planning Worksheet
- GPA and Class Rank
- Honors Coursework
- Alternative Ways to Earn Credits