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ParentSquare Help

Introducing connectCCISD

Clear Creek ISD is excited to announce the launch of connectCCISD, our new district-wide communication platform powered by ParentSquare. This unified, easy-to-use tool is designed to keep parents, guardians and staff engaged and informed at both the district and campus levels. 

Clear Creek ISD uses a custom version of ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, voicemail, text and mobile app notifications. connectCCISD, powered by ParentSquare, automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.

Here’s what you can do with connectCCISD:

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest CCISD news, announcements and emergency notifications
  • View upcoming events
  • View all district, school, and classroom communications and receive app notifications
  • View photos and videos posted by the campus
  • Complete forms online and sign permission slips
  • View the school calendar and RSVP for events
  • Easily sign up for volunteer opportunities and/or bring items
  • Receive notices (attendance and SchoolCafé)

Several campuses have volunteered to pilot the teacher-parent communication platform through ParentSquare. You will receive direct communication if this applies to your campus. 


ParentSquare Overview Video

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Please remember to download the connectCCISD app and not the universal ParentSquare app. 

You Choose How Often You Receive Notifications

Once you have registered your account, you can adjust your notification settings to determine which communication methods you prefer – email, text, or mobile app – and how often you would like to receive these notifications

You have three options:

  • Instant: Receive all messages instantly

  • Digest: Receive all messages together in one daily communication around 6:00 PM*

  • Off: No notifications are sent.* You can check the app for notifications at your leisure.

*Regardless of your notification settings, you will continue to receive emergency notifications instantly. 

Please note that if you reply “STOP” to opt out of text notifications, you cannot resume receiving text messages unless you text, “START” to 66458.


Tips for Families

Activate Your Account

Click the link in your activation email/text, or sign up on or via the connectCCISD app.

Get Photos & Files

Click ‘Photos & Files’ in sidebar to access pictures, forms, and documents that have been shared with you.


Click ‘Sign Ups & RSVPs’ in the sidebar to see available opportunities. Click bell on top to check your commitments.

Download App

It’s easy to stay in the loop with the connectCCISD app. Download it now for iOS. Android coming soon.

Appreciate Posts

Click ‘Appreciate’ in your email/app or website to thank a teacher or staff member for a post.

Find People

Click ‘Directory’ in the sidebar to find contact information for school staff.

Set Preferences

On desktop click your name in the top right to set your notification and language preferences.

Comment or Reply

Click ‘Comment’ in app or website to privately ask a question about the post that your teacher or school sent.

Get in Touch*

Click ‘Messages’ in the sidebar to privately get in touch with staff and teachers. *This is a campus-based decision.

Parent FAQs

Staff FAQs