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Canvas for Parents

Clear Creek ISD parents can now access Canvas, our new Learning Management System (LMS), via Canvas for Parents. This allows parents and guardians the opportunity to log in as “Observers'' for an everyday overview of their student's learning interactions including calendars, assignments, submissions and class resources. Observers can be linked to a single student or multiple students. 

How do I log in to Canvas as a Parent or Guardian?

Parents/guardians are enrolled in Canvas courses as observers. Follow the directions below to link to a single student or multiple students.

Parent/Guardian Course

Clear Creek Independent School District teachers and staff understand the importance of supporting your child's educational journey, especially in this digital age. We invite you to explore our CCISD: Parent/Guardian Course, a valuable resource designed to help you navigate your child's Canvas experience effectively.

In this course, you'll discover essential information such as an "Introduction to Canvas", a recap on "Creating an Observer Account", and detailed insights into customizing and utilizing the "Canvas Parent App". We've curated Canvas Observer Help Guides to make the learning process seamless for you. 

Click here to access the course

Canvas App

Canvas Parent app enhances the potential for parents to engage in their children's education. Parents can review upcoming or past assignments, check graded work, and receive alerts for student activity. Canvas Parent can be used by any Canvas user with an observer account and is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Frequently Asked Questions