School District Governance
Committed to serving the children and citizens of CCISD
The Clear Creek Independent School District is governed by a Board of Trustees. The members of the Board of Trustees are committed to serving the children and citizens of this school district. Their goal is to provide a high quality public education that meets the needs of our community while remaining good stewards of public tax dollars. To achieve that goal, an operating protocol has been established that will help govern actions at meetings and in their role as trustees.
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Board Responsibilities
The Board and the Superintendent work closely as a team to realize the mission of the District. Specifically, the Board is responsible for:
Meeting Information
The Clear Creek ISD Board of Trustees generally meets twice a month, once in a workshop setting and again in a general school board meeting. Meetings take place at the CCISD Education Support Center located at 2425 East Main Street, League City, Texas 77573.
General school board meetings, which are held on the fourth Monday of each month, are streamed live on The Stream page of the District website and archived on this page.
Addressing The Board
Citizens who wish to address the Board of Trustees during the community input portion of the meeting may do so by submitting a Community Input Form.
Community Input Online Request Form
Deadlines to Submit for Public Comment
Board of Trustees Election
Our next Trustee Election will take place Saturday, May 3, 2025. Positions on the ballot will be Single Member District 1 and At-Large Position B. Candidate application packets will be
2025 Board of Trustees Election
District 1
Currently held by Jessica Cejka
At-Large Position B
Currently held by Scott Bowen